What is Adopt*Now?
It is an app on Salesforce.com that helps you get more value from your investment.
Adopt*Now aims to increase effective usage and facilitate user adoption of the Salesforce system, the world's most widely used customer relationship management (CRM) system. Our app provide reports related to usage and data along with predictions. Over time, this allows detailed analyses and next-best-action predictions for customers using Salesforce through artificial intelligence algorithms designed to process accumulating big data.
Our priority is to create a structure that allows for benchmarking their usage in real-time. Our app also analyses other Salesforce customers in the same industry statistics, user habits within the system then suggesting automation of frequently used processes, offering weekly usage reports, and ensuring the most efficient use of the system and its resources by the customer. Without the measures, the possibility of users' work becoming inefficient over time increases, and we risk missing out on potential new processes that could be beneficial as we won't be able to observe how the situation has evolved historically compared to previous times. From a cost perspective, retrospective work at this point would be burdensome for customers.

We Work with the Best

INSPARK Intelligent Business Solutions LTD. London, Dubai, Istanbul, Munich
+90 212 299 89 80